Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Deer In The Garden ..

Monday night I was on my way outside to weed my garden... and what do I see... a deer. Yes, a deer, a doe to be exact, eating my peas. So I do a quick turn and than turn back to make sure I was seeing what I thought I saw....yup it is a deer in my garden. I quick run back in the house and tell my husband and daughter to look out the window.... Kevin is like were is your camera? I am like I don't know.. what - what do I mean I don't know.. it is not were it is suppose to be. And than I remember- it is in the camper box ( a box I keep in the house to haul stuff back and forth to carry stuff from the house to the camper) And of course, by the time I get my camera..the doe is walking away. She does not have a care in the world. We watched her for about 20 minutes. Sure wish she would of ate my weeds rather than the peas.. because the next 2 hours were spent weeding in the garden.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The mushroom..

so, my gal pal J calls me tonight and says...Lisa, you need to come over and we need to go for a walk to the cemetery. I am like what???... And she tells me there are the coolest mushrooms there.. so bring my camera, you are going to want to take pictures....so worth the walk. I have never seen anything like this. they are the coolest things ever...check them out.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Big Day...

So, the big day has come and gone. It was an absolutely wonderdul day. The rain held off, we had a wonderful support of family and friends, and the bride... Gorgeous!!! She never quit smiling from the start of the day to the end. Congratulations Kids.. I love you both

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 more Days O Me O My...

So, we have still been very busy getting stuff ready for the wedding which is going to be at our home in 10 days!! Yes I said 10 days. So tonight I decided to take some before wedding / before decorating shots. And of course I have to share just a few..