Boy, it has been awhile since I last blogged. My days - nights and week-ends have been very busy. Last week-end we helped the kids move into their new home.. What a job that was. But sure was nice to get them moved in. We are so very proud of them. But I did end up having aches and pains in places I did not even know existed anymore! Sunday I started my 2nd painting project. Our living room.. What a job that was . I just finished tonight. I think the tapping and the painting of the trim takes the longest. And I added to my ever sore muscles. I am now ready to give my body a break for a few days. The week-end will be here again before you know it... and that means more pre-wedding projects...
Until we meet again..
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dress Shopping..
Saturday we heading to Green Bay to wedding dress shop. We had a 1:30 appt. at a very well know briadal shop. We got to town early so we decided to do lunch prior to going shopping. We went to a place called HuHots- it is Mongoluan Bar-Be-Que. Everyone that was with me has been to a place like this before. For me it was my first time and I can tell you it is now my new favorite place. The food was FAB U LOUS!!!!! You go though a line and pick out all kinds of meat, veggies - veggies- and sides than you add than go though another line and all this food goes on a hot grill. To watch the guys cooking while the line keeps moving is just amazing.
So we finish eating just in time to make our appt. Good thing it was just across the road from the resturant. We get there, we check in, and we wait, and wait and wait. Finally at 2:00 they take us back to a staging area. Miranda had picked our several growns prior to us even getting there and had found a few while we were wating to be called back. So the first one she tries on is the one- this is the one she feel in love with and wanted prior to even seeing it in person. It was ok, than came dress #2- and #3- We all fell in love with it!!! Than came #4, and #5- we go back to #3- and it turned out to be " THE ONE" So, we now have the dress- the shoes and all the under garments to make our furture bride the star of the day. Here is a small sneak peak ( but, not really- I know I am a tease>>>)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Sign of Spring
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Can we say Spring!!!!
What a beautiful day it was. Saw my first robin- was not able to get a photo though. So, now it has to snow on them 3 more times as the old wives tale goes. Also had our first patio lunch with some family, prime rib on the grill - french fries and fresh bread. YUM EE. And, hung sheets out on the line again today- Life is good!!! Happy Spring.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Fresh Look
My kitchen has a new look... My friend "C" and I gave it a fresh coat of paint...color of choice: Organic Tea.... It gave the whole room such a nice warm feeling. I love it!! When I told my husband I wanted to paint the kitchen green he wrinkled his nose and said, green??? He got home from being on the road ( he drives semi ) and he really likes it. And for a finishing touch C told me I have to paint my kitchen door a burnt orange... paint samples were picked up tonight and now to choose a color and get that done.. I am guessing that will make the whole room really "pop"!! But I also see how bad the rest of my house now needs to be painted....Thanks again for all your help "C" I could not have done it without you.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Big News....
So we got got the news that our oldest daughter is getting married. We are so very excited for them. It is going to be a held at our home.. in the back yard. On June 12th 2010... YIKES I know only 3 months. Funny story- I asked if there was a reason we were having a wedding in 3 months- I was told no, but she did state their puppy Winston did eat her birth control.. well at least we know he is safe...LOL But wow so much to do... I will be very busy as will she the next few months. Congratulations kids.. I love you!!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
New Camper...
What a big day we had. Today we went to pick up our new camper.. I could not wait to get it home so I could get it packed and ready to go. It was unbelivable how much stuff I had it our old camper. So, we get it home and I am only going to do a few things today~ well that did not happen. 3 hours later- every box was unpacked and it was organized and ready to go. Now all we need is warmer weather and off we go to make memories...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Signs Of Spring
So, today it was a bright sunny day. Makes me want spring to hurry up and get here. My youngest daughter who lives at home, is laid off this week. She has been bored so she asked for a list of chores to do, so I of course found her some. One , which included washing and hanging the sheets on the line.. I can not wait to hit the sheets, literally tonight. There is nothing better than sheets fresh off the line.
As long as we are thinking spring.. here is a snap shot from last year after the first spring storm... Hope you enjoy it!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
New to the Blog World
I have been a follower of several blogs over the years...and I have a good friend "C" that has told me to start one for awhile now. So here I go- I am going to try and post things from my life and my families, and hope by doing this I can find out more about myself.
As you can see from the above photo, I also like ok love wine. This place is in Green Bay and when I go visit my oldest daughter, we go to partake in a day of "wine tasting" check it out sometime, you will not be dissapointed!!
As you can see from the above photo, I also like ok love wine. This place is in Green Bay and when I go visit my oldest daughter, we go to partake in a day of "wine tasting" check it out sometime, you will not be dissapointed!!
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